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Te Tuinga Whānau

A few weeks back I met my 2nd cousin at a family reunion for the first time. She told me about this organisation she was working with and some of the incredible initiatives they had going to help those in need around them. When she mentioned her boss’s title was Chief Imagination Officer, I immediately knew we had to visit these guys.

So last week we rocked up with the kids and met the Chief Imagination Officer of Te Tuinga Whānau, Tommy Kapai. The boys were pretty stoked to learn that he was also the best selling children’s author of one of their fav books, Kapai the Kiwi.

Tommy and the team shared with us their vision for Tauranga and WOW these guys are walking the talk! One of their biggest projects on the go is Whare Tauranga. Housing and homelessness in New Zealand has become a massive issue and often effects our most vulnerable families. It was incredible to check out for ourselves the amazing work that this team is doing to truly show value to the people in need in their community. The care, aroha, and life skills that they are providing these people are transforming them from vulnerable to hope-filled for their future! We know that the flow on from initiatives like these for the children of these whānau is significant.

To learn more about what Te Tuinga Whānau or to find out how you can support them, check out their website: www.ttw.org.nz

We are stoked that our kids get to share in all these experiences with us and learn from the amazing doers of Aotearoa as we travel.

Stop the Bus is all about community initiatives that show value for the children of New Zealand. Make sure you LIKE our page to see more clips like this and join the movement with us.

**Small acts of kindnesses can be as powerful as big systems.**

An Xbox and Armed Police
No you’re a townie


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