The Trust
The Stop the Bus film project is brought to you by the Stop the Bus Charitable Trust, a registered ‘not-for-profit’ charity (CC53715) who is intent on promoting the wellbeing of New Zealand children. The STB Charitable Trust is governed by independent Trustees who look after all financial matters relating to this project. We are currently fundraising for the Stop the Bus Film Project – money raised is likely to include a contribution to budgeted filming and travel costs, so we can raise awareness of child abuse in New Zealand and support the people and groups in our communities who are promoting the wellbeing of children. Donation decisions will be made by the Trustees of Stop the Bus Charitable Trust.
Stop The Bus Charitable Trust is a ‘not for profit’, registered charity (CC53715) with donee status meaning your donations to this cause are tax deductible. All money raised will go to charitable purposes in New Zealand
Every small donation really does help bring the STB film project to life so we can raise awareness about child abuse and help empower more people to be a part of the solution.
You can donate via our Givealittle Page here or contact us if you would like to donate directly to the Trust account or set up a regular support payment.
Our Trustees:
When I heard about Stop the Bus something resounded within me and I thought 'wow, I would like to meet these people and I want to support the mission and vision that they have'. As a teacher I have seen many young people suffering because of abuse and wanted to be part of a solution. A solution that involves every day people stepping up and saying we need to value our children and let’s actually do something!!
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