15 49.0138 8.38624 1 1 4000 1 http://stopthebus.co.nz 300

It’s a bus!

We had no bus and no funding… but we an idea that we really believe in
Our idea – Stop the Bus is an interactive documentary that involves our family living on a bus for a year. This doco looks at NZ as the incredible backyard that it is for kiwi kids to be raised in. It should be the best place for a kid to grow up… except we have this terrible problem of child abuse in NZ. It’s not a nice thing to talk about and most of us don’t know what we can do to help fix it. This documentary is all about ‘doing’ something and as we travel through communities we will be meeting the many people in NZ who are ‘doing’ incredible things that are changing lives for the better. Those small acts of kindnesses that have the power to save lives.
Your response to this idea has been amazing. We are incredibly stoked to say that we have been provided with a bus for a year and massive assistance from numerous local businesses. We still have lots to fundraise for but the bus this is a massive tick on our list. Next stage is to get it fitted out. Here is a clip of our first day with the bus 

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