15 49.0138 8.38624 1 1 4000 1 http://stopthebus.co.nz 300

A cup of tea with Tangiwai

This video is very important to Tangiwai.  Why? Because she can not bare the thought of another child enduring the pain that she has been through. We met Tangiwai, by chance, as she walked by our big yellow bus and was curious about what it was. She had just been to visit her doctor to...MORE

Do You See?

This is our family. Chris and I were raised in happy, healthy homes, we were believed in, were told we were loved every day and so grew up with the confidence that we could do whatever it was we wanted to do with our lives. We both have degrees and had our own children surrounded...MORE

Kōrero with Judge Andrew Becroft (Children’s Commissioner)

Children's Commissioner – Judge Andrew Becroft Our visit to the Wellington included several appointments with key people involved with children, one of these being none other than our Children's Commissioner NZ, Judge Andrew Becroft. Given that this is a film project is all about children, it is only fitting that our own children be a...MORE