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September 2017

Kōrero with Mike Hill

Mike Hill's challenge to all parents **WARNING** contains course language (swearing) and real life content.I met Mike of Mike Hill At Large a few years ago when I was filming weddings. I wouldn't say that we made the best first impressions on each other…. Mike looked like he should be shooting guns rather then weddings...MORE

Mud Fight

When was the last time you saw a kid on a device look this happy?We live in this crazy society where we are constantly concerned about pushing our kids through to the next stage. We get so caught up in all the expectations of who they will become, that we forget about who they are...MORE

Small Spaces & Rainy Days

When in small spaces on a rainy day you get to know your kids better…What do you reckon, should we get Noah's design patented? ?#buslife #kiwikids #kidsareawesome #tinyhouses #rainydays #stopthebusnz Posted by Stop the Bus on Saturday, 9 September 2017 When in small spaces on a rainy day you get to know your kids better…...MORE